Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dark Days Ahead

That awful day is coming. I just know it. My poor girl hasn’t been quite the same in the last few days. She seems to be more skin and bones then she was before. She’s weak, even her kneading is softer than it used to be. She sits around with us and just stares out into the distance.

The worst is her eyes. The spark is gone. She looks at me so intently now. She’s not saying “I love you, fight for me” anymore. I almost want to say she’s telling me it’s time. I don’t have the heart to listen to that notion though! She’s still here, she’s still breathing and walking and eating (although not by much). She’s still my baby.

If anyone finds a magic bean please let me know.

1 comment:

Val Duffinger said...

Hugs to you and Callie. I'm on the search for a magic bean and as soon as I have it, it'll be on it's way to you guys.

Laura, I've said it a million times before, but seriously, whatever you need - let me know.