Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Driving home from work is the most nerve wracking part of my day. Without even thinking about it I find my breathing accelerated and a caffeine-like jitter come over me. Today's drive home felt particularly long, when in reality it was one of my shortest commutes to date (for the record I have no idea how that was possible). I worry about what I will find when I come home. Today I was also worried what messes I would find.

Luckily I came home to nothing to be worried about. There was no urine messes that I could find. Callie was waiting for me and wanting to eat. Then she wanted to cuddle. I sat down on the couch for two minutes in the middle of cooking and she climbed onto my lap and cuddled. I would have stayed but the stove was on, I didn't think that would be a good thing. Later on I returned to join her and wrapped myself around her. Her little head came forward and she rested her neck over my arm.

I enjoy our time together but most kittens don't spend two hours curled up on their parent's lap, awake, not leaving. And her breathing appears to be faster than normal.

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