Friday, March 28, 2008

Good Spirits Continue

I find it amazing that she is doing so well on this day we had thought we would lose her. She finished all her dinner and even started eating her dry food this morning while she was waiting to be fed. It was snowing outside where I live and I ended up sleeping in. Callie came back to join me and as I finally started moving she became interested in the moving sheets. The next thing I knew she was under the blankets with me, snuggled into my body.

As I was eating breakfast I felt two little paws on my leg. I look down and there is Callie, wanting to be with me. She hasn't been interested in my breakfast in a long time. She jumped up, with some effort, and snuggled in. It made it very hard to move her to continue getting ready for work.

I am now wondering whether she should be drained again. It was a horrible experience the last time but the fluid is right now affected her mobility, her breathing, her comfort. I know in FIP cases the fluid could come back to current conditions tomorrow, or she could have a few days of peace before it builds up again. I'm not quite sure what is best for her.

On other good news the photographer that took Callie's pictures has a few sneak peak's on her blog ( Here is the overall favorite so far:


Michele and Stuart said...

I came to your blog after seeing your post on the pets board, and I just wanted to send a little love to Callie. She really is a fighter and a beautiful one at that. Best wishes to all of you!

Jen said...

I am so in love with these prof Callie pics. So glad you had them taken!

Andrea said...

Phhhrrrrrr ......