Monday, March 17, 2008

Weekend Update

The entire family took a lazy day yesterday. I didn’t even turn on my computer so I had no time to make any updates. Instead we all snuggled up on the couch, Callie was particularly enjoying her father’s lap for a change.

Sunday morning Callie woke Mike up with paws on his face. We were sleeping in and I think our little girl was hungry. She soon gave up on waking us and went to sit on his nightstand and stare longingly at the window. After her water filled day on Saturday (she proceeded to claim another cup of mine in the afternoon) she was hungry on Sunday. Besides getting up to eat and drink and follow us around she hasn’t been very active. We’ve been trying to engage her with her laser light and she’ll follow it with kitty excitement in her eyes but she won’t attack the light.

At some point early this morning I think I was being sniffed. I remember waking up with a cat face in my own but was so tired I don’t really remember what she was doing. I do remember sharing my pillow with her for a portion of the night. Once we were up she was hungry and interactive with us as usual on a work day. The downside is that I have noticed her belly is starting to bloat again. I fear that by Wednesday, when it will be one week since we drained her, she will need to be drained yet again. I’m not sure the Prednosolone is working. We’ll see how the next two days go and we’ll call the vet on Wednesday, as he originally wanted us to try this new medication for one week.

I wish there was some medication that would work for Callie. She’s obviously not intending to leave us and her healthy appetite shows that she’s still here with us and fighting. There is a new medication that I have been told about that is not FDA approved. Mike and I had made the decision not to try it based on conflicting reports on the medication, now I wonder if it would have been the trick for Callie.

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