Saturday, March 22, 2008

Fighting for Survival

Callie is back to fighting the disease. Her entire behavior today has been better. I think it's her way of telling us not to give up on her just yet. And she's eating more. I traded out her food for a different brand she likes and she ate most of the small portion I set out for her. She also ate a small piece of a tortilla chip and attempted to eat a french fry. Normally I would be concerned about her eating these items but with everything else she is going through why not? Especially if it makes her happy.

She is moving slower, however. Her steps are more calculated, she must be acknowledging the neurological changes that are happening to her. But her spirit is back in full force. When Mike came home this afternoon she came out to great him. In her better days she would always wait at the door for us, whereas in her dark days she wouldn't move. She even came to great us again when we came home after a brief outing to pick up dinner. Most importantly she was displaying her big, black, kitty eyes; a site we have sorely missed.

Yesterday I believed she was telling us it was time. Today she's telling us it's not. At this point, based on how she is today, I'm thinking her body might give out before her spirit. The roller coaster is awful, the ups and downs pulls at the heart strings. But I am happy to gain a few more precious moments, a few more memories, a few more good times with the little kitty that we love so dearly.

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