Wednesday, March 19, 2008

One Step Backward, Two Steps Sideways

Right now I am an over protective cat-mom. I notice little details about Callie and run with the possibilities. I know I am overreacting. The problem comes when Mike notices something as well. Then we’re either both overreacting or we’re reacting with reason.

Last night we ran out of her antibiotic medication, Clindamycin. This morning we gave her none since her other medicine, Prednisolone, weakens her immune system and we felt she needed her antibiotic in conjunction. I stopped by the vet on the way home and picked up more of the antibiotics. I updated him briefly on her progress and he feels we are using the best medicines to give her the best quality of life.

Mike and I just gave Callie her medication for the day, or rather, half of what she would normally have since she gets her medicine twice a day. She’s not eating her treats and we had to work with her to take her Prednisolone, which is disguised as a treat. I know she ate a little when I came home from work but I can’t say this isn’t worrying us. It was heartbreaking to see her sitting in front of her treats, seemingly breathing erratically, and not wanting to move to eat them. I’m hoping that she’ll be back to normal tomorrow after the medication is in her system. I’m fearful we sent her down the wrong path by not realizing her medication was almost gone. Her eyes seems to have a little less life in them, a little less will; and it’s terrifying. She’s still a cuddle bunny though, trapping Mike very willingly most of the night.

We have a photo shoot set up for her next week. I honestly don’t know if she’ll still be here by then. I’m beginning to fear looking in her eyes and seeing her tell us it’s time to let her go. I know it will happen, I know it will probably be sooner rather than later, I still don’t want to see it. And to think, we’ve just passed the 5 month mark from her adoption. Just 5 short months.

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