This morning she has more perk to her. I woke up with her back on my pillow and felt that she was going to be lazy. We went into the kitchen and she meowed for some food. I think she ate for maybe 2 minutes, by the time I was done prepping her medicine she was no longer eating. I picked her up and did her medication by myself, which wasn't easy but I managed. She then went to sit in the sun on the window ledge.
A little while later she joined me at my computer, climbed up onto my lap, and tried to get into my breakfast. I moved my food away and she drank out of her cup on my desk (formerly Mike's cup that Callie has claimed for her own). The next thing I know she's trying to scratch my chair. I told her to stop (painful to stop her from doing anything that brings her joy) and she climbed on the back of my chair! This is an old favorite past time of hers, especially eating my hair. Today she sat there for a few minutes and then moved her front paws onto my shoulder and kneaded. It was hard for her since it's a balancing act but she was there long enough for me to take a few pictures.
Now she's sitting next to me, staring out into the room. I'm glad she's showing some energy for the photo shoot today. I don't think Sunday is her day. I'm not hopeful for her to survive longer than another week, especially with her balance being off. It's obvious the FIP has affected her neurologically. She tends to move in short spurts now, sitting often to more than likely regain her composure. Jumping up onto my lap she almost didn't make it. But she's still jumping, she's still moving on her own. She's still with us for a little while longer.
As if this all isn't enough of a whirlwind and emotional roller coaster ride, here is a picture of Mike playing with Callie last night. She wasn't reaching out and grabbing like a normal kitten does, but she was following his motions very intently. You can also see how thin she is becoming if you look at the dip in her neck. Please excuse the chaos in the background.
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