Saturday, March 15, 2008

Feels Like a Waiting Game

We are stuck in limbo right now with Callie. She’ll either get better or worse and the worse is more likely. It’s very hard to deal with. One thing positive brings hope. One thing negative brings fear. It’s also hard to type when she has now decided to stop sleeping on the FIP papers our vet gave us and is looking at me. Having decided she was done looking at me she has claimed my water cup for her own. I’ll have to get a new cup when she’s done. And there’s that hope yet again.

Yesterday she was a pig and we were proud of her for that. She ate most of her small can of food and some baby food as well. She needed to have her paw cleaned since she stepped in her own poo and she was not happy about it! The rest of the day she spent either following us around or sitting in my lap. She’s started to have her ears facing the side and I don’t know whether that means she’s in discomfort, if she’s being moody, or if it is something else.

I miss having a healthy, playful cat. I wonder if I will ever get that carefree pet-mom feeling again. I’m afraid I will forever be watching for signs of sickness, either from Callie or from any future pets that we adopt….

Callie has decided I shouldn’t be working on this blog, she is now sitting on my right hand, half on my key board, and twitching every time my hand moves!

Back to where I was – I had to move her, she started typing with her back paw – the fear. I am probably destined to be an over worried mom from here on in. Hopefully I will manage to be “cautious” instead.

I should probably end here; my little girl is eyeing my lap while pouting on my desk. I shall see if she wants to snuggle now even though I do have to get myself a new water cup.

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