Saturday, May 3, 2008
A New Love Helps the Healing
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
One Month
Over the weekend we went down to the shelter to visit some cats. Instantly we wanted to bring them all home but knew we had to wait for someone special. In one cage a little black and white checkered cat called our attention. She is named Edwina, is about a year old and was a stray. We played with her and were smitten with her personality. Edwina ran around the room playing, climbed up to peak in on a friend in another room, and kept circling the small room we were in. She has a wobble to her hind legs and seemed to have a crazy personality.
We brought her back to her cage and Mike held her on her back. I picked up her paws and played with her nails and she didn't seem to mind. Her information said she had some special needs so we set out to find a staff member to find out more. Turns out that Edwina has some neurological issues. They think she either got an infection in the womb or when she was very young. She'll groom one spot for several minutes and then stop, she'll twitch her head at times, and she likes to pace. After dealing with a cat with FIP neurological issues doesn't phase us at all. Plus, we're not quite normal ourselves so why should this cat be?
We set out to put in an adoption for Edwina. She's young, so there is a still a chance of FIP. She's petite and kitten like which I feel we need. We were cheated out of those stages with Callie. Another cat named Bear caught Mike's attention. Bear is a big black cat who liked to push all his weight into you while getting petted. Bear didn't speak to me but he did to Mike. We waited on Bear and when I went back to visit Edwina and see if she and Bear would work together I learned that Bear had already been adopted. He's an older cat so we are happy that he has a good home.
Edwina will be coming home on Thursday. I am now cleaning up the rest of the floors and bleaching out Callie's old litter boxes, carrying cage, and toys. By adopting from a shelter we know our next pet will have the Coronavirus and have a chance at coming down with FIP. We still don't want to take any chances. It is a game of Russian Roulette. Hopefully Callie will be our only pet to endure this horrible disease.
I am looking forward to having a cat at home again. Especially one as quirky as Edwina is. Hopefully it will all go well. I hope that Callie will approve of her sister.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
6 Months
I miss you Callie. I hope you are having fun and celebrating where ever you are now.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Two Weeks Later
We've started to clean up to prepare for a new pet. I purchased a steam cleaner just yesterday. Mike plans to start cleaning the rugs and the floors tomorrow. Soon we'll have the home free of any possibly virus that Callie left behind.
I miss having a pet around. I know I can't have my Callie back but I want to adopt someone new into our home. With a vacation coming soon Mike feels we should wait until we come back. The logical side of me agrees with him. The emotional side of me just wants to run out and bring someone new home.
I've made a picture book of all of Callie's pictures. It's 120 pages filled with over 250 pictures. I understand now why I took so many. The UPS tracking site tells me it should arrive tomorrow. I can't wait to have it. We also have the professional pictures of Callie to choose from. I look forward to the day where I can come home and see her face around the house.
Two days ago I day-dreamt about finding a stray cat that needed a home. Yesterday I pulled into my parking spot to see a stray hiding a few feet away. As I approached the cat s/he ran away. I found it later on and noticed no collar but a healthy body weight. I think this cat lives in the drainage pipes around my complex. I took a walk again today and spotted him or her yet again. Like last time s/he ran towards the pipe for safety. I have left some food out on my porch, hoping to let it know that it's safe here and give it food if it is hungry. Unfortunately I think my porch might be too far away from the safe areas. I had never seen a stray before adopting Callie, now I'm trying to bring one home.
On a sad note a friend of mine has a cat with a probable FIP diagnosis. My heart is breaking for her. I've been in her shoes and I wish I could just make it better for her. Sadly I know that even if better can be achieved if it is a long and hard process. If anyone is still reading my ramblings please keep this new kitty, Lucy, in your thoughts. She needs the miracle that Callie was unable to find.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I miss her. I know that will never go away. I didn't anticipate the ups and downs of grieving.
Friday, April 4, 2008
When we first adopted Callie I wondered how she’d look as an adult, how she’d act. I didn’t realize I’d never know the answers. It’s not what she deserved.
Of course as I look back on the memories I’m reminded of how frustrating it was to raise a kitten. Before she got sick Callie was going through a biting phase. She wasn’t hurting; she was thinking my hair was a toy. It was so frustrating to try and sleep in on a day off from work only to have a kitten force me up at an early hour. I’ve said bad words to her, especially when she would attack my hair from the back of my computer chair. I’ve had to lock her in the bathroom until Mike came home.
If I could go back in time I would have worked with her more. I wouldn’t have been angry. Her antics were annoying, yes, but they were also the product of her being healthy. I wish I could have handled the situation differently. I know she knew she was loved. I think this is part of the grief process.
So to anyone out there with an annoying kitten, puppy, or other young pet take their antics in stride. Enjoy knowing that this behavior is out of health. I loved how cuddly Callie was in her last month of life but I realize it was because she was too sick to play.
I can only hope I am able to act on these thoughts with my next pet.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
It's the weight of worry that is now gone. I miss her, I love her, but I'm no longer worrying about her. There is no longer the fear of her being in pain. The guessing is gone. She is hopefully at peace now.
For the past hour I have been running up and down the stairs doing laundry and I feel so invigorated. I'm not constantly moving Callie as she snuggles in. I'm not worried about her following me and getting trapped in the work room. I'm free to run up and down the stairs as much as I want.
It's still lonely though. Callie is my first pet (well, that wasn't a fish) and while her absence is comfortable I miss having a furry being around. Even if we are ready soon we need to take the time to get our home as clean as possible so that we don't risk infecting our next pet.
She will always be my first. If you don't believe me just look at my shirt, I'm wearing my t-shirt with her face on it. Since she's no longer here in person I enjoy having her image close to my heart.
I spent my entire morning putting all of her pictures onto a DVD. It runs about a half hour. We might add music later. Earlier I had it playing while I worked on the laundry. I enjoyed looking up to see her face, even if it was hard to watch her transition from a healthy kitty to a sick one.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Second Day is Worse
This morning I woke up in tears. I felt like my heart had been scratched by over grown kitty claws. Mike held me for a while but he had to go to work. I stayed in bed and eventually got a little more sleep. When I got up I moved around slowly. The house felt empty, it felt raw. And it didn't help that every message I have received regarding Callie's passing sends me to tears.
Luckily I had things to do and got out of the house. Callie was in my heart every step of the way. My mother met me for lunch and some shopping and it was nice to be out and not alone. I separated from her to do food shopping and I could barely look down the baby food isle and cat supply aisle. I was afraid I would start balling over a can of baby food and then have to explain to some stranger that my kitty used to eat it.
Once finished I didn't want to come home. I sat in my car in the driveway and stalled. I knew I needed to go in but it would be an empty home. Eventually I brought the food in and cried at the empty space. I managed to put the food away but not to make any dinner. I did eat most of a bag of nachos, however.
I've been playing with Callie's pictures this evening. I'm making a picture book since I've taken over 200 pictures in her short 5 months. I also burned a CD of those 200 pictures. I'm glad they fit on one CD but I'm sad there was room for 200 mb's more. For some reason I want that CD to be full and complete. Not incomplete like Callie's life was. I also started having trouble looking at the pictures once she got sick. I prefer her healthy, active, and happy. Our old Callie and her daredevil ways.
Her passing has created a deep void in my heart. I know she will always be there. I'm just looking forward to the day when it doesn't hurt as much.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
That Horrible Day Arrived
We had some pain medicine left over from when she hurt her paw and gave her one. She perked up a tiny bit. She seemed to be in a druggie daze, complete with the munchies. We decided she needed to either be drained to relieve the pressure or put to sleep. Since Mike had to go into work for a few hours we set up an appointment with the emergency vet. Then I waited with Callie sitting next to me. She was struggling to breathe. At one point her head fell forwards, her nose on the couch. When I moved to examine her she perked up but I knew the end was near for her.
We took her for a long car ride to the vet's office. Our normal vet is two minutes away, the emergency clinic we chose was over a half hour. Callie normally shakes when she is in the car, she wasn't this time. Only a slight tremor in her ears due to her breathing issues. We arrived and she was taken in to be examined. We waited anxiously, at our regular vet we aren't separated at this point so it was nerve wracking. A tech soon came in to say the Doctor was a bit delayed but our little girl had a crowd of 17 fawning over her. The vet came in and reviewed the notes I had from our regular vet. She told us that FIP is a horrible disease and she would support us to drain her or to euthanize her. We had Callie come and join us and we discussed our options. In the end we knew we were just prolonging the inevitable. Sure, draining her could help her out but we'd be back here soon, could even be as quickly as tomorrow. With her in our laps we started to cry and asked her to give us guidance. She purred for a second and stayed on my lap. She wasn't shaking, she wasn't nervous. She was ready.
We were taken into a comfortable room and a catheter was placed in her arm. She came to spend time with us before the procedure. We were given ten minutes, we asked for five. She's had FIP diagnosed for over a month, we've been waiting for quite a few weeks for this moment. It didn't make it any easier.
With Callie on my lap the vet came in and gave her the sedation. An active kitten fell limp into my lap. Then the drugs were administered. Mike thinks she was gone before the they were even finished. And then we were left alone with her empty body. The vet soon came back with a towel since cats have a tendency to lose their bladder. We placed the towel under her and petted her a few more times. It felt like a waste to me, she was already gone, her body was not hers anymore. I moved to get up and noticed the towel didn't work, I had a nice big marking on my thigh from her. Mike says's this was a parting gift. I had to run around the clinic to get myself cleaned up.
We entered the office a family of three; we left with red, blotchy eyes, an empty crate, a final bill, and heavy hearts. We were now a family of two. Ever enriched by the love of our little girl. With us for five short months, in our hearts forever.
Afterwards we stopped at Kohl's so that I could change my pants. I wasn't in the mood to shop so after the first two pairs didn't fit and my pants had dried I decided to let it be. We went out for dinner. For the first time in months there was no one to rush home to, no one to be worried about, no one waiting. The waitress was busy and due to that slow but we didn't care. Once finished we rented two light hearted movies to make it through the night.
Arriving home there was no one to greet us. In the back of our minds we were hoping for a miracle but we knew she was no longer in kitten form. Mike is hoping she'll pay us a visit and be our friendly ghost. I'm a skeptic at heart but I hope Callie is able to meet Mike's wish.
I've called out of work for tomorrow. I've had to, I got a flat tire yesterday and had no time to fix it today. I'm tired, I should go to sleep. But I know I will not have anyone eager to climb under the blankets and curl up by my legs. I know that there will be no one hogging my pillow. No back on my head, no butt in my face. My pillow will be lonely tonight.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Frailty Reminder
Of course, yesterday was a bad day for her. In the morning I accidentally backed into her and stepped on her. In the afternoon the roomba attacked her. As Mike tells it she was watching the roomba come closer and closer, with a look on her face that said "don't you dare". Well the roomba got her feet and she fled to underneath our bed. Mike got her out and she went on my pillow, and stayed there for quite a few hours.
Then again, last night she came up stairs for the first time in probably a week. Both Mike and I were on our computers and the next thing we know Callie was joining us. Mike picked her up and brought her over to be with him, which she was quite happy to do.
Our vet is open every other Saturday, and a sister vet open on the off Saturdays. Our vet is not open today. I could have called the other vet to inquire about draining her, it just didn't feel right. Callie is such a complicated case that I wanted my own vet's opinion. Yet she seems to be having a miserable day and I'm wondering if this was the wrong decision. She's been camping out in the sun, just resting all day. It's normal for her but something about her face tells me she's not having a good day. Maybe you can see it:
There is one perk to having a sick cat: easy to take pictures. She was sitting like this in the sunlight and I thought it would make a good picture. I ran upstairs, grabbed the camera, ran downstairs and took three shots of her. In her healthy days she would have been gone by the time I came back downstairs.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Good Spirits Continue
As I was eating breakfast I felt two little paws on my leg. I look down and there is Callie, wanting to be with me. She hasn't been interested in my breakfast in a long time. She jumped up, with some effort, and snuggled in. It made it very hard to move her to continue getting ready for work.
I am now wondering whether she should be drained again. It was a horrible experience the last time but the fluid is right now affected her mobility, her breathing, her comfort. I know in FIP cases the fluid could come back to current conditions tomorrow, or she could have a few days of peace before it builds up again. I'm not quite sure what is best for her.
On other good news the photographer that took Callie's pictures has a few sneak peak's on her blog ( Here is the overall favorite so far:

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Around the Corner Yet Again
This morning I woke up with a tail in my mouth. By the time I came out of the shower Callie was moving around and interested in us (or food, it was probably the food). We fed her a little bit and she ate a small portion. Then she stayed around for "desert", her baby food.
Then again maybe Friday isn't the day.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Hard Decisions
She spent the majority of the day on the couch, in one spot. She would change position but stayed in that same spot for over four hours. Besides a brief sniff of my dinner there is not much life being exerted out of her. She spends most of her time staring off into space. Her breathing is shallow and faster paced. Her quality of life is very low.
She's still eating but it's very small. Since she hasn't been following us like she used to she's not following us into the kitchen to eat. In fact I don't think she's been upstairs in a couple of days. The second floor of my home is where my computer is, she usually joins me when I am here. She hasn't been.
Everyone keeps telling me that we'll know when it's time. We keep wondering if this is it but we are not sure. I keep hoping she'll make the decision for us. She still eats, she still fights us when we give her medication, she hates having her paws cleaned. But is she really here with us? She's barely interacting. She went from a young, playful, kitten, to a geriatric cat.
It will be better for us once she's gone. We can do heavy cleaning to remove all the urine stains and any traces on the coronavirus. We can go out on evenings or weekends and not be worried sick about our sick cat. We can think about adopting again, hopefully with better longevity. But what is best for her? I am stuck on the same issue again and again: I can't end her life without knowing it's what she wants. I can't have her die because it's convenient to me. But I also can't have her live with fluid in her lungs, no energy to play, no energy due to not eating, due to the virus.
My next pet will be taught English. Just enough to aide us with these awful end-of-life decision.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Luckily I came home to nothing to be worried about. There was no urine messes that I could find. Callie was waiting for me and wanting to eat. Then she wanted to cuddle. I sat down on the couch for two minutes in the middle of cooking and she climbed onto my lap and cuddled. I would have stayed but the stove was on, I didn't think that would be a good thing. Later on I returned to join her and wrapped myself around her. Her little head came forward and she rested her neck over my arm.
I enjoy our time together but most kittens don't spend two hours curled up on their parent's lap, awake, not leaving. And her breathing appears to be faster than normal.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Dark Days are Back
Grabbing the peed on Styrofoam I took a short walk to the dumpster to dispose of it. When I returned Callie was curled up on my pillow before I got a chance to clean her paws. I'll either change the sheets before bed or take comfort in the fact that I did clean up her paws, they were just still tinted yellow.
I think pain has also set in. When I first came home I petted her and she tried to purr, but meowed a meow that said "ouch" to me. This might be why my little purr-kitty doesn't purr that much anymore, it must be painful for her. Later, as she was curled up on my pillow, I could hear her breathing, a congested sound echoing through.
She stayed on my pillow for two hours. I wondered at times if she lost the ability to move. Eventually I picked her up to cuddle with me while I watched TV and she was having a hard time getting comfortable and repositioning herself. When I did try and move she didn't want me to leave.
I was distracted from this post and went downstairs to check on her, only to find her up from a litter box visit and a wet spot on the couch. I picked her up but it didn't seem like she was leaking. A quick peak downstairs didn't reveal any obvious puddles (for the record I did see her in her litter box). Luckily the couch is microfiber so I'm sure we can clean it up. I'm more worried about what this means for Callie.
Pillow Buddy
We've also noticed her breathing is being affected. Mike heard a sound when she breathed and instructed me on where to put my hand to feel it. I placed my hand on her upper side and felt a fluttering when she breathed. The good news is that my head provides adequate leverage against her breathing problems.
Callie is definitely tired after a long weekend. I'll have to see how she is after resting all day today. I hope she'll have some energy when I arrive home from work.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Fighting for Survival
She is moving slower, however. Her steps are more calculated, she must be acknowledging the neurological changes that are happening to her. But her spirit is back in full force. When Mike came home this afternoon she came out to great him. In her better days she would always wait at the door for us, whereas in her dark days she wouldn't move. She even came to great us again when we came home after a brief outing to pick up dinner. Most importantly she was displaying her big, black, kitty eyes; a site we have sorely missed.
Yesterday I believed she was telling us it was time. Today she's telling us it's not. At this point, based on how she is today, I'm thinking her body might give out before her spirit. The roller coaster is awful, the ups and downs pulls at the heart strings. But I am happy to gain a few more precious moments, a few more memories, a few more good times with the little kitty that we love so dearly.
Roller Coaster Ride
This morning she has more perk to her. I woke up with her back on my pillow and felt that she was going to be lazy. We went into the kitchen and she meowed for some food. I think she ate for maybe 2 minutes, by the time I was done prepping her medicine she was no longer eating. I picked her up and did her medication by myself, which wasn't easy but I managed. She then went to sit in the sun on the window ledge.
A little while later she joined me at my computer, climbed up onto my lap, and tried to get into my breakfast. I moved my food away and she drank out of her cup on my desk (formerly Mike's cup that Callie has claimed for her own). The next thing I know she's trying to scratch my chair. I told her to stop (painful to stop her from doing anything that brings her joy) and she climbed on the back of my chair! This is an old favorite past time of hers, especially eating my hair. Today she sat there for a few minutes and then moved her front paws onto my shoulder and kneaded. It was hard for her since it's a balancing act but she was there long enough for me to take a few pictures.
Now she's sitting next to me, staring out into the room. I'm glad she's showing some energy for the photo shoot today. I don't think Sunday is her day. I'm not hopeful for her to survive longer than another week, especially with her balance being off. It's obvious the FIP has affected her neurologically. She tends to move in short spurts now, sitting often to more than likely regain her composure. Jumping up onto my lap she almost didn't make it. But she's still jumping, she's still moving on her own. She's still with us for a little while longer.
As if this all isn't enough of a whirlwind and emotional roller coaster ride, here is a picture of Mike playing with Callie last night. She wasn't reaching out and grabbing like a normal kitten does, but she was following his motions very intently. You can also see how thin she is becoming if you look at the dip in her neck. Please excuse the chaos in the background.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Waiting Game
There are times I want to cry. There are times I'm laughing with her and acting perky. In reality I'm numb. We've known this would more than likely be her future long enough to come to acceptance. I'm fearful that the numbness will fade to harsh reality the day she is ready to leave. I can't imagine holding her as she slips away. I can't imagine trying to stay calm, to give her a peaceful end, and not crying my eyes out.
There is also guilt. Even though I know there is nothing I did to cause all this there is a little birdy in the back of my head, chirping ever so quietly. I keep jamming a cracker down it's throat to keep it quiet. I know one day it will chirp loudly and finally get to me.
The photographer that was scheduled to take Callie's pictures on Wednesday has been nice enough to fit us in tomorrow. I'm so thankful that we'll get some nice pictures of her to frame on our wall once she is gone. I would have liked to catch a healthy Callie but at least I'll have one of her last moments to cherish.
I think she knows her photo shoot is coming. I caught her sitting on the floor in a puddle of light and grabbed a camera. I'm very proud of the end product:
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Dark Days Ahead
The worst is her eyes. The spark is gone. She looks at me so intently now. She’s not saying “I love you, fight for me” anymore. I almost want to say she’s telling me it’s time. I don’t have the heart to listen to that notion though! She’s still here, she’s still breathing and walking and eating (although not by much). She’s still my baby.
If anyone finds a magic bean please let me know.
Eye Spy Something Different
This morning her appetite was back, along with her constant chorus of meows for her food. She appeared normal to me however did have the eye issue once again before Mike left for work. I'm home with her now and her eyes are fine in appearance but I'm starting to wonder if she's having trouble seeing or smelling. For the second day in a row she begs for food and I give it to her but she won't move to her bowl. I've had to pick her up and physically bring her over. She'll eat once she's there but doesn't seem to be making the connections.
I'm starting to feel she doesn't have much time left. These changes could just be temporary but her spirit is diminishing. I'm starting to fear that she is suffering and that is the main thing we don't want her to go through. Taking things one day at a time is starting to feel like one hour at a time. As I type she is sitting on my desk, facing away from me, eyes open. She needs her rest and I understand that. It is heartbreaking to see her like this, not playful, not active, just resting.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
One Step Backward, Two Steps Sideways
Last night we ran out of her antibiotic medication, Clindamycin. This morning we gave her none since her other medicine, Prednisolone, weakens her immune system and we felt she needed her antibiotic in conjunction. I stopped by the vet on the way home and picked up more of the antibiotics. I updated him briefly on her progress and he feels we are using the best medicines to give her the best quality of life.
Mike and I just gave Callie her medication for the day, or rather, half of what she would normally have since she gets her medicine twice a day. She’s not eating her treats and we had to work with her to take her Prednisolone, which is disguised as a treat. I know she ate a little when I came home from work but I can’t say this isn’t worrying us. It was heartbreaking to see her sitting in front of her treats, seemingly breathing erratically, and not wanting to move to eat them. I’m hoping that she’ll be back to normal tomorrow after the medication is in her system. I’m fearful we sent her down the wrong path by not realizing her medication was almost gone. Her eyes seems to have a little less life in them, a little less will; and it’s terrifying. She’s still a cuddle bunny though, trapping Mike very willingly most of the night.
We have a photo shoot set up for her next week. I honestly don’t know if she’ll still be here by then. I’m beginning to fear looking in her eyes and seeing her tell us it’s time to let her go. I know it will happen, I know it will probably be sooner rather than later, I still don’t want to see it. And to think, we’ve just passed the 5 month mark from her adoption. Just 5 short months.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Poo and Birds - The New Ying and Yang
We concluded it was fresh and set about cleaning her up. This is no easy task for any of us and the second time we have done this in a week. Callie was overall a good girl with the exception of clawing her way up Mike's dress shirt and drawing blood. Once clean she went into her cat home to sulk, her back towards us until we gave her some treats (though less than normal since she clawed up her dad). We left her alone only to find her curled up on my pillow later. Laundry will be done tonight!
Just as I'm pondering all the negative reasons why she's stepping in her own poo I get a bit of relief: Mike called to tell me she chased a bird. I haven't seen her active since before she got sick and apparently (I haven't heard her side yet) she ran from the living room to the dining room to stalk her prey. I think she's hungry! Between stalking my dinner last night and now the bird she really should be more thankful for her cat food!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Late Night Ramblings
On the other hand I’m in limbo. It’s a waiting game to see what will happen. And the worst result is the quickest answer. If she gets better it will take a lot more time and it will be slow. But an end is an end. And I hate that I think this way and I know I really do want her to get better. I do, however, want out of limbo. I also want out of the sickening feeling that I am messing with karma by buying too much food for her.
When I arrived home this afternoon I grabbed half of the groceries and could see her through the side window already waiting. Today my husband took away her food after she finished breakfast to try and keep it fresh and I do believe our little girl was hungry. I came in the door and instantly took out her food and she immediately went to eating. I finished bringing the groceries in and as I was putting them away she seemed more interested in my food than hers. When I was finished I took out her baby food and she meowed her little heart out and ate quite heartedly. My dinner was a salad and I brought it upstairs so that I could sit at my desk and eat. Mike was working until close so he wouldn’t be home for hours yet.
Callie came up to join me and her little nose smelled something she liked in my dinner. Thus proceeded a game of Interactive Food Night. I ate, she tried to get into my food, meowing and sniffing. She even managed to get her paw in my plate at one point! Once finished I gave her the plate to sniff and she zeroed in on a leftover piece of shredded cheese. As she was opening her mouth to eat I pulled it away, quite certain that cheese would not be good for a cat! I moved my plate back to the small table behind me and she clawed her way up to my shoulder, reminding me that her nails need to be cut. She sat perched on the back of my chair, reminding me of the days when she was healthy and I would hate her climbing up there since it usually meant the start of “let’s bite mommy’s hair” time. However she didn’t initiate this game, even though my hair is pulled back into a bobbing ponytail, instead she just sat and watched my leftover dinner.
Now she’s mellowed out and on my lap, her tummy swelling enough to alter her usually position. She appears to be breathing normally and I’m thankful for that. I’ve tried to engage her in play but she not feeling good enough to do so. All she wants to do is eat or curl up. A lap cat to the enth degree.
Two Quick Pictures
I thought I would share two pictures. This first one is from yesterday and shows Callie all curled up with Mike while he read the newspaper:
It's not the best picture, since it's from a cell phone, but I feel it's a cute one. As I was looking through the pictures on my phone I realized this is a favorite position of Callie's since I found this one of her with me:
Weekend Update
Sunday morning Callie woke Mike up with paws on his face. We were sleeping in and I think our little girl was hungry. She soon gave up on waking us and went to sit on his nightstand and stare longingly at the window. After her water filled day on Saturday (she proceeded to claim another cup of mine in the afternoon) she was hungry on Sunday. Besides getting up to eat and drink and follow us around she hasn’t been very active. We’ve been trying to engage her with her laser light and she’ll follow it with kitty excitement in her eyes but she won’t attack the light.
At some point early this morning I think I was being sniffed. I remember waking up with a cat face in my own but was so tired I don’t really remember what she was doing. I do remember sharing my pillow with her for a portion of the night. Once we were up she was hungry and interactive with us as usual on a work day. The downside is that I have noticed her belly is starting to bloat again. I fear that by Wednesday, when it will be one week since we drained her, she will need to be drained yet again. I’m not sure the Prednosolone is working. We’ll see how the next two days go and we’ll call the vet on Wednesday, as he originally wanted us to try this new medication for one week.
I wish there was some medication that would work for Callie. She’s obviously not intending to leave us and her healthy appetite shows that she’s still here with us and fighting. There is a new medication that I have been told about that is not FDA approved. Mike and I had made the decision not to try it based on conflicting reports on the medication, now I wonder if it would have been the trick for Callie.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Feels Like a Waiting Game
Yesterday she was a pig and we were proud of her for that. She ate most of her small can of food and some baby food as well. She needed to have her paw cleaned since she stepped in her own poo and she was not happy about it! The rest of the day she spent either following us around or sitting in my lap. She’s started to have her ears facing the side and I don’t know whether that means she’s in discomfort, if she’s being moody, or if it is something else.
I miss having a healthy, playful cat. I wonder if I will ever get that carefree pet-mom feeling again. I’m afraid I will forever be watching for signs of sickness, either from Callie or from any future pets that we adopt….
Callie has decided I shouldn’t be working on this blog, she is now sitting on my right hand, half on my key board, and twitching every time my hand moves!
Back to where I was – I had to move her, she started typing with her back paw – the fear. I am probably destined to be an over worried mom from here on in. Hopefully I will manage to be “cautious” instead.
I should probably end here; my little girl is eyeing my lap while pouting on my desk. I shall see if she wants to snuggle now even though I do have to get myself a new water cup.
Friday, March 14, 2008
March 14
However this morning she gave us hope, yet again. She was her usually self, begging for food with her whiney little meows. Mike gave her half a can, which she usually takes all day to eat. Not this morning! She devoured about 90% of her food. Following which she was a good girl and took her medicine. Her Prednisolone even fell out of the pill pocket and she still ate it, Mike was laughing joyfully at her. A little while later I picked her up and found one back paw to be covered in dried up poo. She was cleaned up and my husband saw this as a sign of hope. This all seemed to start, in his eyes, when she got poo on her the last time, so he is hoping this is the end of the cycle. I’m just hoping the chicken she ate last night didn’t go through her!
I’m hoping she will be still full of energy and eating well when we come home from work tonight. The main thing that scares me with this disease is that I know she can turn for the worse at any time. One day she could be doing well, the next day paralysis can take over. I can only pray she continues to do well.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Diagnosis - FIP
Feb 26: first vet appointment. I brought Callie in to see the vet. He took her temperature and she had a high fever and was dehydrated. They gave her some fluids via a shot under her skin and gave her some medication. They also took some blood to run some testing.
Feb 27: I was home from work and Callie was not eating or drinking at all. I called the vet back and they hadn’t gotten her test results yet. When I mentioned that my poor kitty hadn’t been eating they set up an appointment to bring her. At 2:30 I brought her in, she still had a fever and was absolutely miserable, though she did fight me to get into her crate to go. The vet mentioned FIP as a possible diagnosis for the first time, and mentioned that it was generally fatal. Holding onto my kitty as he talked I fought back tears. They wanted to keep her overnight for 1-2 days to hydrate her and medicate her. I knew she needed to go in order to get better but I couldn’t bare having her at the hospital and not at home. To make matters worse, she would be less than a mile away but not with 24 hour care. I was confident she was getting the best treatment but it was still hard for me to leave her there. I cried the entire way home and could barely handle having an empty crate with me.
Feb 28: Mike, my husband went to the vet’s in the morning to visit our little girl. She had a cone around her neck since she was trying to bite her IV off. She tried to climb up onto Mike’s shoulder, a favorite past time of hers. She still had a fever and wasn’t eating much. I left work early that day to stop by and visit her on my way home. The place was almost closing but I got to spend some time with her. She seemed to be tired after a long day. They brought some food out and I got to feed her. It felt great to know that she was eating.
Feb 29: Mike was home and got the call early on that her fever was down and she was eating! She had eaten all the food they left out for her after I left and was doing better. We were both so incredibly happy. Later that day he went to pick her up and learned that her fever was up and down and all over the place but she could still come home over the weekend. We were given medication and a thermometer to monitor her progress, along with some special food to try and fatten her up. When I came home from work she was still getting used to being home again and had her front paw shaved from the IV, looking a bit like a poodle.
Over the weekend her fever went up and down and she eventually learned how to push out the thermometer. We gave her lots of love and attention and tried everything we could to get her to eat. She was her loving self, curling up with us under the blankets when we got to bed, sleeping on my lap whenever I sat for more than two minutes, generally being around us. She wasn’t playful but we knew she was recovering.
March 5: Mike brought Callie to the vet for a check up. Her fever was gone but she had lost .2 pounds. They took some fluid from her abdomen and some blood to run some more testing on her.
At home Callie continued to improve, every day she would gain back an old habit. We started her on baby food as I had learned that some cats like it, she loved it! I opened the small jar, set it on the floor, and she was eating it up as fast as she could. Our little girl was also now meowing at us for food. She was a quiet kitty before she got sick but since she’s been home if she wants food she whines until she gets it. And we were sure to give the little princess anything that would help her out. It came as an utter shock on Friday that the test results were not good news. The FIP diagnosis was more than likely. Mike and I were in disbelief since she was doing so well. We wondered if it was a wrong diagnosis and felt she was recovering and would continue to do so.
The following week I began to join discussion groups on FIP and do research to figure out whether this diagnosis was correct. I collected her test results from the vet and my heart fell when I noticed the results did point towards FIP. At this point we also noticed that Callie’s belly was looking bigger. She didn’t seem to be in any pain but did appear to be in some discomfort. We both had that Wednesday off from work and decided to bring her back to the vet. I wrote down every medication used to treat FIP, every other possible diagnosis, everything that I could find. The vet was kind enough to talk this over with us and we felt reassured that he knew what he was talking about and doing the best for Callie. She was already on Clindamycin for her infection (a liquid antibiotic we have to squirt down her throat two times a day), we added Prednisolone (a steroid in pill form also to be given twice a day) to help her tummy stay small. We also had her stomach drained of fluids to help her feel better, which sounds a lot simpler then what actually happened.
The vet took Callie away to be drained and we talked everything over to make sure we were on the same page. When they brought Callie back she had a towel with her since she was still oozing liquid. We were told they didn’t get that much. We kept the towel around her as the warm liquid continued to seep out. The vet came back in and was happy she was oozing since more of the bad liquid would be leaving her. We put Callie back in her crate and she tried to lick up her belly. As we were paying our bill we noticed she was leaking a lot, we cleaned up a little of it and planned on putter her in the bathroom when we got home. Once there she was still oozing a lot of liquid. We ended up letting her be in the bathroom alone and once she stopped we would give her a bath since the nasty, sticky, smelly yellow substance was all over her stomach, back paws, and tail. In the end it was over an hour later when she finally slowed down enough to be bathed. We quickly gave her a bath, forgetting about the sticky fur on the side of her neck from all the times she fights us with her Clindamycin medication. We dried her off and were relieved that our skinny cat was not as skinny as we feared. She was pretty miserable the entire day and we couldn’t blame her. At one point she followed me up to my computer and jumped instantly up to my lap to shiver. Usually she asks to come up before jumping but not this time. She did appear to move with greater ease and be happy to be fluid free and clean. She even drank some water, which she hadn’t been doing, no doubt probably due to having so much excess fluid inside.
It is now one day after having her belly drained. She’s a little mellower but much more alert. She’s back to meowing for baby food in the kitchen and didn’t want her actual wet food. She did try to get into our chicken dinner. So much that we had to put her in the bathroom until we finished. After I was done I cut up a few small pieces of the chicken for her and opened the bathroom door to give it her. Not only did she eat it all up she even licked the plate clean! We were so happy to see this type of behavior back out of her. At this point we can’t bother with correcting any bad behaviors. We want to give her the best quality of life that we can. If she survives, which we are praying for, we’ll willingly deal with the consequences.